The Birth Box

The Birth Box

Introducing our latest and greatest, The Birth Box
Valued at $200 with free shipping + includes return satchel for hire items
What you get:
Hire items -
- Elle TENS 2 for 6 weeks with brand new re-usable electrode pads (can be re-used up to 30 times), spare batteries, lead wires, lanyard and easy to follow instructional booklet
- Traditional Mexican rebozo (colour intuitively chosen)
Items for keeps -
- Surrender mama essential oil elixir
- Intuitively chosen A5 affirmation card
- Best selling Reflexology birth comb & konjac sponge (our secret tools for labour and birth) and re-usable gift box
Price also includes a return satchel for hire items and free shipping!
*** PLEASE include the date you wish to start your 6 week hire at checkout. This order will be shipped all together and arrive by your start date***
The Benefits:
Prepare your mind, body and soul for labour and birth with these amazing tools which can be used individually and/or partner supported.
The Elle TENS 2 machine is an award winning hand-held device powered by batteries (spares included). Tens stands for Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation and is specifically designed for labour. It is a wonderful non-invasive and non-pharmacological option for pain management. The pulses/tingling sensations delivered via electrode pads applied to mamas back works on Gate Control Theory. This helps to flood the brain with non-painful stimuli at the same time that mama is experiencing more intense sensations from her contractions, thereby helping to “close the gate” on the pain messages getting through. TENS also helps promote endorphins, our natural pain relieving hormones.
The Elle TENS 2 also boasts opti-max technology in the form of a boost button to help with an extra surge of power, a much loved function amongst mamas. Works amazingly well in combination with our Reflexology comb (which is waterproof, unlike the TENS so great to keep those endorphins flowing if you decide on a water birth/water immersion).
For a full description of each Season of Mama product, please check the individual listings.
Depending on your level of cover, you may be entitled to claim up to 100% rebate on the hire of the Elle TENS machine. Any potential rebates will be listed on your policy under health aids or appliances so we recommend checking with your provider to hopefully get some money back.
This listing is only available to Aussie Mamas, sorry x